A Pet's Life

Some people say that animals live in the moment, and that's why many of them seem so happy. They don't think about the past or the future. I think I don't agree with that, though.

For example: my cat definitely preplans events. He can tolerate one or two nights without sleeping with me. I'll go my room, and he won't immediately follow me or charge ahead and into the room. He understands that I close my door, he doesn't get in, and he can expect to see me by 5:00 AM the next morning.

However, on the nights he has decided to sleep with me, he charges ahead of me on my way to bed. He jumps on my dresser and lets me know that I am expected to keep my door partial ajar so he can come and go as he pleases. My cat never wants to commit to sleep at the same time as I do. He wants to go back to his food and fill his belly a little more. Then, he cozies-up between me and the air conditioner.

This cat has done the same routine for well over a year, now. I think animals don't just live in the moment. I think they create their lives, too.