Accessing Adulthood
Recently I read an article that spoke about accessing chakras to access adulthood. I liked that concept better than the arbitrary age of 18 as the indicator of an adult. Chakras are the energy centers that are along our spines and around our bodies. There could be anywhere from 5 to 80, 000 chakras that help us develop into well rounded human beings.
On my development into a loving human who moves through life with faith, I consciously work with the chakras 0-12. Recently, my attention has been brought to the 11th chakra. Accessing it enables me to more easily rise above distracting bullshit and focus on connecting with the energy of love.
People don't commonly access their 11th chakra until they are adults. The surprising thing is that the website where I was reading this information stated that most people don't access it until they reach adulthood, around 42-49 years old. This chakra is what people know as their energy field, or aura, and it encircles the body. It can be energetically tucked into their grounding cords, and can be used to sieve out toxic from beneficial energy.
If yucky vibes are coming in, people can connect with the 11th chakra and send them away or set the intention for them to heal. Accessing this chakra often correlates with the time in our lives when we realize we can't change or control other people. We can only love them and set up boundaries to protect our own selves. It helps people to love others even during confusing times of conflict. It creates neutrality, where people can recognize that we all grow at different rates.
I found the idea of not being considered an adult, energetically, until 50 years old to be very interesting. I considered myself an adult when I was in my 20s, but the more living I have done, the more I question that conclusion. In my opinion, we are not grown by the time we are in our 20s, even if we are legally adults.
I've known people who weren't adults spiritually even at the times of their deaths. For whatever reason, they weren't able to do the energetic work of leveling-up. I think they never accessed those higher chakras that could have brought a whole lot more joy to their lives.
I've been appreciating thinking that I haven't reached adulthood yet. There's a whole lot of time for me to learn and mature. There's so much possibility still for me to welcome in more peace and pleasant abundances.