Creativity Bomb

The amount of creativity that pours out of my daughter is astonishing. Alafair NEEDS to create. I can feel some piece of her withering away when she doesn't have the resources to do so.

There was a television series out several years ago, called The Witcher. One of the main characters was discovered to be a Chaos Witch, and she always had to keep that part of herself tightly reigned in or something terrible would happen. After years of keeping the chaos controlled, she was called upon to let it absolutely explode. She did, and it resulted in a brilliant storm of fire where the character simply disappeared.

When I see Alafair's creativity lacking an outlet, I'm reminded of that scene. Her energy builds and builds upon itself, and sometimes she'll say, "I just NEED to make something, Mommy!" She knows what she has to create, too. So, when I can, I pack her into our van, and it's off to JoAnn's Fabrics (they have a military discount) we go.

Once we get home, and Alfie has all her crafting supplies, her energy starts pouring into whatever she decides to create, and I can just feel the tension leaving her body. I sure am curious to see what she'll do with her future. God help her if someone ever tries to keep the creativity at bay.