Energy and Vitality

Vitality is a lively quality that gives people the ability to flourish. Energy is the quality that gives people the ability to do work. I never stopped to think about the difference between energy and vitality until I started doing IV vitamin drips.

I've always recognized energy as the feeling I got after drinking coffee: jittery. I thought of vitality as the feeling I had after doing clairvoyant readings for people, and I would be on an energetic high where I felt powerful and capable. The vitality came from connecting with God and the energy came from drinking coffee (which can sometimes feel quite spiritual).

As always with me, once I learn about something amazing, I share that information with other people. I have been telling them how nice it's been getting the IV drips and that I'm able to do projects, take care of myself, and clean my house.

When I was telling people these stories, they would ask me if I had a ton of energy. I knew the term energy wasn't the word I was looking to use and couldn't figure out the best way to describe it. I noticed the term vitality on the door of the IV drip business, took out my phone, and I researched the difference between the terms. Yep. Vitality was the word I wanted to use.

I feel like a whole person that radiates strength and goodness when my nutrition is balanced. I didn't realize how depleted I was of nutrients until the IV drips. I had always taken vitamins and tried to eat well, but I wasn't thriving. Hell--I wasn't even doing well.

I know that the optimal way of getting nutrients is from my diet. However, I don't live a farm-to-table lifestyle. By the time I get my fruits and veggies, they have been reduced of their nutrient content, and by the time they make it through my digestive tract, there is very little left to serve me. Therefore, these IV drips seem to be the answer to meet my needs.