Forgiving as Cabbage

Forgiving as cabbage. That's a saying, right? All the other veggies in my refrigerator are high maintenance and make a stink if I don't pay them the proper attention. The only one that doesn't is that forgiving head of purple cabbage. I set it proudly at the front of my refrigerator, fully intending to make it into a cole slaw. With changing schedules and other things being added to the shelves, it slowly got pushed to the back. But, every time that my hand touched it, it always felt perfect. That let me know I still had time to keep pushing it aside.

It just sat there, forgiving my neglect and patiently waiting to be used. And, I think to myself, "May we all be as patient as the forgotten head of purple cabbage in our refrigerators." I certainly don't intend to neglect things, but it does happen. I love that the cabbage doesn't rot from my negligence, and I hope that we are all made of the right stuff so that we, too, remain well when people forget about us.