
At the end of the yoga classes I teach, I instruct my students to think of something for which they are grateful. I ask them to let that sense of gratitude spread throughout their whole being.

What would you think about? My gratitude runs toward simple things that help me rather than things that pull energy from me. For example, some people might immediately think about being grateful for their families. I don't go like to take my mind there, though. While I sure do love them, they sure do ask for a lot of energy from me. Therefore, my gratitude runs toward simple things.

I'm grateful for the feel of a sturdy coffee cup handle, especially when I'm holding the mug over my lap and pretty dress-clothes. The first winter I lived in Fort Leavenworth, I became particularly grateful for supportive bridges. I would often cross the Missouri River, and watch plates of ice floating down it. It was always a peaceful feeling knowing that I could safely cross from one side to the other.

The studiness of both bridges and coffee cup handles are simple things for which I'm grateful, and they foster a sense of peace within me. Neither of them ask anything from me and they help me go about the business of my life. May we all find gratititude in the simple things.