
I've been getting kind of gutsy, lately. April was my last month teaching my online class for the yoga studio where I worked at our previous duty station, in Kansas. Both the studio owner's life and my life changed dramatically, and the owner chose to no longer have that business. I told her that I didn't want to work for any other yoga teacher than her, and I thought that was rather gutsy of me. Usually, I would have just accepted the change and rolled with it. But, she was a wonderful mentor and I was hesitant to get further away from her.

That chapter of my life did come to an end, though. I surprised myself, again, because I started my own business, here, in New Mexico. That was a crippling thought, but I thought I had too much to offer to allow myself to give into my fear. So, now I offer private in-person and on-line sessions, and I'm figuring out website creation while writing weekly blogs. I felt like that was gutsy.

All that gutsy-ness prompted me to be a little more brave, and I actually made a flyer to promote my business. I posted that flyer at a horse stable where my daughter took riding lessons, and I offered to observe the riders while they were working with their horses, and offer lessons based around making their activities of daily living easier. I had all sorts of fears for that, but decided not to listen to the more cowardly side of myself.

By this time in my life, I had got the wheel rolling on being confident and taking action for my own self. Once my kids started school, again, I even applied to be the Registrar at my son's school. This was brave for me, because, for some reason, paperwork creates a huge mental block in me, and I have to shove my own stubbornness out of the way--usually while crying from frustration--to upload all the documents necessary for the application.

I didn't get called for an interview for the Registrar position, and I truly thought to myself, "Man! These people do not know what they are missing!" I'm a joy to work with. Perhaps all that confidence came from the previous gutsy-ness? Confidence and bravery do go hand-in-hand.

Anyway, since the wheel is rolling on me stepping outside of my comfort zone, it has made me busy. In the last week, I have applied for an accelerated special licensure program for Special Education teachers, and I am auditioning to be a back-up singer in a band. The band is looking for a lead female vocalist, but, I think I need some more time for my bravery to catch up to me in that regard.

All of these actions coming together is enough to make me stop and wonder, "Who am I?" Well, I'm someone who knows that being gutsy leads to positive things building on top of one another. I know that I can help people enjoy their lives more, and I'm tired of waiting around for them to figure it out.