
Last week, I wrote about teaching my students to connect with a sense of gratitude. This week, I wanted to bring attention to feelings of happiness. In combination with feeling gratitude, I also ask my students to think about a list of things that bring a physical sension of happiness. The thoughts actually have to bring laughter to their hearts or smiles to their faces.

Thinking of this list is a tool that combats unpleasant moods. Sometimes, it can be hard to get this list started. I thought I would share some items from my list with you. They are the purring of a cat, the wagging of a dog's tail, the unabashed laughter of children, the way my spouse looks at me and the way my children hug me, the smell of rain and coffee in the air, the crunch of leaves under my feet in Autumn, and orgasms (Oh, my goodness! Yes! I went there!).

So, if you haven't already developed your own list things that create feelings of happiness inside you, I hope I just helped. Repeat your list often to yourself.