
I take an Inferno Hot Pilates class one day a week. Infrared heat is used throughout the class, and that feels great to my joints. That heat makes it challenging, and I get saturated with sweat during it. I really have to focus on staying calm through it all, or else my nervous system overreacts.

As I was in a plank pose, watching the sweat drip off my nose and splat onto my mat, I was deeply focused on my alignment and calm breathing. My muscles burned around my bones. My mind was working to convince me that I wanted to exit the pose. With just the perfect timing, the instructor pointed out how we were all working to maintain calm strength even when our worlds burned around us, and that was the lesson I could take from this class.

My world was currently burning down around me, along with my my strength and resolve in the class. However, just like my muscles would come through the burn stronger and better, so would the events I was going through outside of Pilates. That class was a good reminder to remain calm and steady minded as I navigated through the metaphorical fires of my life.