Derrier Smiles

During one of my yoga trainings, my teacher made a reference to butt cheeks looking as though they were smiling. I grew up with a lot of weird sayings (like calling someone "buzzard breath") but that was a new one for me. I had seen my derrier plenty of times, and I had never seen it smile.

Once I started trying to find the smile in my bottom, I could find a half-hearted smirk--at best. The right cheek made more of a "tight-lipped grimace" and my left cheek sloped downward into a frown. I did not have a happy butt. I began combining these observations with what I had learned from anatomy courses.

Standing in front of my full-length mirror and facing away from it, I built my foundation as best I could from my feet upward. I engaged muscles here and there until I felt as though my body was supported properly. I noticed tension softening and pain easing from my knees to my shoulders and I was activating muscles that were unaccostumed to being used.

Then, I carefully looked over my shoulder so that I didn't shift out of my mindfully molded position and evaluated my rump. It actually looked quite a bit happier. I'm wondering who will be looking at their butts in a different manner, now.