The Mad Scientist Creates

The other day, my husband was working like a mad scientist, rubbing Cholula hot sauce on a section of his Jeep that he had removed from the dashboard. He was bound and determined to get the meters to read correctly. Cholula seemed to be the answer.

Unfortunately, Cholula was not the complete answer. When he reassembled the dashboard, it was worse than when he started. I watched all of this with confidence that he would fix it. But, as he walked through the garage door and into the house, he told me that he just didn't know what to do to resolve the issue.

My little yogi mind realized that he was trying to create a better Jeep. I just so happened to have just developed an asana practice meant to focus on creation by addressing the sacral chakra. That's the energy center, located along the spine, between the tailbone and naval. I focus on when I want to create. Lately, I had been feeling like that chakra needed attention.

I asked Caleb if he wanted to join me in the practice, and he could set the intention of fixing what wouldn't work in the dashboard. He did join me. I'm happy to report, that, shortly after our yoga session, he returned from the Jeep triumphantly.