There's No Help In A Hissy Fit

I find there's no help in having a hissy fit when dealing with hurt and anger. So, with that not being a viable option, I'm left to wonder how I move through those tough emotions. In the past, I've had the options of crying in bed, eating my emotions, or burning bridges by cutting the offender out of my life. Crying in bed just opens me to sinking into depression and eating my emotions just makes me feel bad after I no longer have the taste of food on my tongue. I've come to believe that we are all connected, so I don't think cutting people out of my life truly works. Sure, I distance them, but my heart still loves them quietly from afar.

I usually do tell the person who hurt me how I feel. But, even when I'm able to avoid having a hissy fit and instead use helpful communication, that only works if the person is at the stage in life where the damaging behavior can be changed. There's a saying that hurt people hurt people, and the person causing me pain may be so hurt that the person isn't aware of the turmoil I'm experiencing. So, for me, communicating only helps to a limited extent. Even if the person appologizes, I still feel the pain.

I don't want to be stuck feeling the pain and I do have compassion for the person who hurt me, even if I no longer care to have that person as an active figure in my life. So, I'm left with figuring out what my options are for healing. There's prayer, but in the midst of anger, I do not have the ability to sit and pray serenely. My prayer for help is much more scattered. For me, the answer to my prayer comes in remembering my yoga poses. I put myself into asanas, and I breathe while the sickening feelings, anger, and discomfort arise. I keep breathing and holding until I can find stillness and calm. I change from asana to asana, and focus deeply on feeling whatever needs to arise until I no longer have angst. Then, I can settle into a prayer that leads me into stillness. I find peace that carries me through the day, and often through the week.