
I talk about being a better and healthier version of myself often. However, the kind and calm-of-heart person that I mostly am today was born from a lot of vindictiveness and hardheadedness. It's a daily struggle for me to let go of a grudge and to let go of anger. Thank God for self-awareness, or I could have turned into quite an unpleasant human. I'm sure there are some people who still think that I am unpleasant.

Growing up, I became determined to create a life of peace for myself and my loved ones. That's where the hardheadedness came from. I suppose you could call it something more positive, but how it originally started, to me, feels like it came from a place of spite. Does that make sense to you? I think that the combination of a having a good heart underneath all the hurt and a determined spirit helped me to push out the negative energies from my life and allow in the positive energy.

Being mindful of maintaining my health and allowing myself to be joyful are my daily yoga practices. I keep myself mindful of my emotions and my actions. I breathe and I combine asanas to release unhealthy energy. I work to be a truly gracious person with a heart that is inclined to have compassion for people. I'm working on moving away from people the type of person who feels anger towards people first and to be a person who works through situations without first feeling vindictive.